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Embracing smart manufacturing is a great opportunity for construction and ceramics companies to overtake the curve.

Release time:2024-10-16click:0

Whoever owns smart manufacturing will have a bright future.


If you want to ask which is the hottest and longest-lasting hot word in recent years, it is probably "intelligent manufacturing".

In the past, the first thing Chinese people said when they met was usually "Have you eaten?" But now, the content of many Chinese people's greetings when they meet is almost It became “Is your company engaged in intelligent manufacturing?”

Although this is just a joke, it reflects the popularity of the concept of intelligent manufacturing in China.

But what exactly is smart manufacturing? What impact does it have on humans? ……

Today, we will understand this information from the perspective of "moving bricks", that is, from the perspective of the ceramic construction industry.

✎ The Past and Present of Intelligent Manufacturing

In 1988, Americans White (Professor of New York University) and Boone (Professor of Carnegie Mellon University) co-authored " The concept of intelligent manufacturing was first proposed in the book "Manufacturing Intelligence": Intelligent manufacturing is the use of integrated knowledge engineering, manufacturing softwareUsing technologies such as software systems and robot vision, intelligent robots can complete the small batch production process alone without human intervention.

In the 1990s, with the development of information technology and artificial intelligence, intelligent manufacturing technology attracted the attention and research of developed countries. The United States, Japan, and European developed countries have established intelligent manufacturing research project funds and experimental bases, and the research and practice of intelligent manufacturing have made great progress; it is particularly worth mentioning that China also began to explore intelligent manufacturing research during this period.

In the 21st century, especially after the 2008 financial crisis, developed countries that have experienced the Internet bubble and economic crisis have realized the consequences of deindustrialization in the past. shortcomings, they also re-examined their own competitiveness advantages and disadvantages, and successively formulated a development strategy of "returning to manufacturing"; at the same time, a number of front-end technologies for the development of information technology such as big data and cloud computing have triggered various countries, including China, etc. The manufacturing industry in developing countries is accelerating its transformation to intelligence.

As a result, various countries regard intelligent manufacturing as the main direction of future manufacturing and provide a series of policy support to seize the commanding heights of international manufacturing technology competition.

United States: Using the Internet to drive industrial upgrading

The United States first launched the "re-industrialization" plan in 2009, and later launched the "Advanced Manufacturing Country" strategic plan and the "Industrial Internet" strategy. As the first country to propose the concept of smart manufacturing and the most powerful country in the IT and Internet fields, the United States hopes to use its strong innovation capabilities in the Internet field to apply Internet thinking and technology to various fields of manufacturing to develop advanced manufacturing industry, realize the intelligence of manufacturing, and maintain its high-end position in the manufacturing value chain and global controller status.

Germany: Combining manufacturing strengths with information technology

In 2013, Germany launched the “Industry 4.0” strategy. Germany, which has world-class equipment manufacturing, machinery and automation engineering, is relatively weak in software and Internet technology. Therefore, it takes manufacturing as the leader and integrates resources, information, people and items with industrial production. , in order to realize the digitization and visualization of the entire production chain based on information technology. It consists of distributed and combined industrial manufacturing unit modules and through a multi-component, intelligent industrial manufacturing system, to realize the connection between production equipment. The Internet, the Internet of equipment and products, the Internet of virtual and reality, and even the Internet of Everything, allow it to seize opportunities in the technological transformation of the Internet of Things and the fourth industrial revolution, and seize the commanding heights of smart equipment competition.

Japan: Taking the field of robotics as a breakthrough

From 2015 to 2016, Japan successively launched the "New Robot Strategy", "Industrial Value Chain" and "Social 5.0 Strategy". Take the "New Robot Strategy" as an example. Japan, which has four pillar manufacturing industries: robots, automobiles, machine tools, and electronic appliances, has always been known for its refinement and high quality. However, in recent years, due to the rigid corporate culture and the lack of innovation in the market, Japan For various reasons, the manufacturing industry continues to decline, so it chooses the field of robots, which has long maintained its dominant position, as a breakthrough point to further upgrade industrial robots to intelligent robots to achieve "establishing a world robot innovation base" and " It has three major goals: "Becoming the world's number one country in robot application" and "Leading the era of the Internet of Things towards the era of robots".

China: Accelerating the deep integration of new generation information technology and manufacturing< /span>

In December 2014, China first proposed the concept of "Made in China 2025"; on March 5, 2015, Premier Li Keqiang delivered the "Government Work Report" at the National Two Sessions "Made in China 2025" first proposed the grand plan of "Made in China 2025"; on March 25, 2015, Li Keqiang organized a State Council executive meeting to deploy and accelerate the implementation of "Made in China 2025", and reviewed and approved "Made in China 2025"; on May 19, 2015 On the same day, the State Council officially issued "Made in China 2025".

"Made in China 2025" is one of China's "three 10-year" strategies to achieve "the transformation from a manufacturing power to a powerful country and shorten the gap with the international market in high-end fields" The first step, the main line is the deep integration of informatization and industrialization, making "cloud Internet + traditional industry" the commanding heights of China's new round of manufacturing development, driving the accelerated transformation of "Made in China" to "Intelligent Manufacturing in China", through innovation and "Intelligent Manufacturing in China" Transformations in many aspects, such as smart manufacturing, have enabled China to move from a manufacturing power to a manufacturing power.


In the context of the rapid development of new generation information technologies such as cloud computing, big data, the Internet of Things, and artificial intelligence, in addition to developed countries represented by Germany, Japan, and China As represented by developing countries, other countries in the world are also making efforts in intelligent manufacturing, using smart engineering to seize the highest point of new generation industrial manufacturing, and continue to develop and expand new business formats and new models.

Having said so much, what exactly is intelligent manufacturing?

There is no generally accepted definition of this in the world. The simplest way to say it is:Smart manufacturing is the intersection and integration of intelligence and manufacturing. It is also the role of smart technology in The theories, methods, technologies and applications involved in manufacturing full life cycle applications.

✎ What intelligent manufacturing means to the manufacturing and ceramic construction industry< /span>

Looking at the world's industrial development process and even the history of human society, it is humankind's duty to continuously improve the automation and intelligence level of production to liberate ourselves from heavy manual labor. Relentless pursuit. With the development of human society to this day, intelligence is a key factor in reshaping industrial competitiveness among countries and has become an unstoppable trend in global industrialization.

This is the most important reason why countries around the world have attached so much importance to smart manufacturing since the 21st century, especially in the past decade. For China, the reason why smart manufacturing is integrated into the national strategy of "Made in China 2025" is because of its own special national conditions.

Xi Jinping, General Secretary of the Central Committee of the Communist Party of China, said: “We must promote industrial technological change and optimization and upgrading with intelligent manufacturing as the main direction, and promote the fundamental foundation of the manufacturing industry model and enterprise form. Sexual transformation, using 'reform' to drive 'reform', using increment to drive stock, and promote my country's industry to move towards the middle and high end of the global value chain."

Premier Li Keqiang said: "The core of 'Made in China 2025' is to achieve intelligent upgrading of the manufacturing industry."

Developing intelligent manufacturing is an inherent requirement for upgrading the manufacturing industry< /span>

For a long time, China's manufacturing industry has been mainly concentrated in the middle and low-end links, with low industrial added value. Vigorously developing the intelligent manufacturing industry can promote the transformation of China's manufacturing industry from low-end manufacturing to high-end manufacturing, and quickly apply and promote emerging intelligent manufacturing industries.technology, thereby continuing to promote a new round of technological innovation.

Developing intelligent manufacturing is a practical need to reshape the manufacturing industry with new advantages

First of all, China's manufacturing industry is currently facing a "two-way squeeze" from developed countries accelerating the revitalization of manufacturing industries and developing countries undertaking international industrial transfers at lower production costs. , only by accelerating the research and development of intelligent manufacturing technology and improving the level of industrialization can we cope with the challenges faced by the weakening of traditional low-cost advantages. Secondly, China's high-end intelligent manufacturing equipment and core components are still heavily dependent on imports. The development of intelligent manufacturing is an objective need to accelerate the industrialization of my country's intelligent manufacturing technology. Furthermore, the development of smart manufacturing can apply more energy-saving and environmentally friendly advanced equipment and intelligent optimization technology, which will help fundamentally solve the energy-saving and emission reduction problems in China's manufacturing process.

Developing intelligent manufacturing is an important starting point for broadening the space for industrial governance

Analyze China's promulgated "Twelfth Five-Year Plan for the Development of Intelligent Manufacturing Equipment Industry", "Twelfth Five-Year Plan for the Development of Intelligent Manufacturing Technology" and "Intelligent Manufacturing" It can be found from plans and policies to promote the development of intelligent manufacturing such as the "Equipment Innovation and Development Special Project" that China currently mainly focuses on the development of intelligent manufacturing technology and intelligent manufacturing equipment industry; and intelligent manufacturing is to apply intelligent manufacturing technology throughout The entire process of manufacturing activities from product design, production, management and services includes not only the intelligent manufacturing equipment industry, but also the intelligent manufacturing service industry. Therefore, to promote the development of intelligent manufacturing, planning and policy support should be provided in many fields such as intelligent manufacturing technology, intelligent manufacturing equipment industry, and intelligent manufacturing service industry.

Intelligent manufacturing is of particular significance to the ceramic construction industry

As a traditionAs a labor-intensive industry, China's ceramic construction industry has developed rapidly for more than 30 years. Although its production capacity has ranked first in the world for more than ten consecutive years, it is still relatively backward compared with Italy and Spain, two strong construction countries in ceramic construction. .

A detailed analysis shows that the backwardness of China’s construction and ceramics industry is reflected in extensive management. Mainly reflected in: first, low raw material utilization and high energy consumption; second, low per capita labor productivity and equipment productivity; third, unstable product quality and delivery time cannot be guaranteed.

If intelligent manufacturing can be implemented, ceramic construction companies can achieve a qualitative leap. Mainly reflected in: Firstly, the production and manufacturing model is effectively optimized to further strengthen the control of the entire production process, and the management model is more refined than the traditional production model; Secondly strong>, strengthen the collaboration capabilities between different departments, improve employee work efficiency, and reduce production and management costs; Thirdly, improve the accuracy and timeliness of various production and operation data, allowing management Tend to standardization; Fourth: Improve quality management levels, reduce product failure rates, and improve customer satisfaction.

Of course, the above is only the superficial significance of intelligent manufacturing to the ceramic construction industry. The deeper significance is at least reflected in the following five aspects.

It helps construction and ceramics enterprises to open up terminal paths and effectively connect users. Under the traditional manufacturing model, a company’s product inventory can only be determined based on the order quantity of dealers, rather than directly by consumer orders; under the smart manufacturing model, relying on the support of big data, consumers can Even if a terminal store orders a small batch of ceramic tiles, the manufacturer can immediately receive the order and update the inventory. The subsequent new product development and production can be directly based on market conditions and consumer preferences, effectively integrating the supply chain, sales The terminal and manufacturing links are unified to achieve true on-demand production and further reduce production costs.

It helps ceramic construction companies improve the stickiness of their products. In the traditional manufacturing process, companies produce products and provide them to customers through distribution channels, and only undertakeNuo provides customers with a limited-time quality guarantee; while smart manufacturing provides products + services, emphasizing customer experience, meeting the personalized needs of customers through different service innovations, and hoping to build stickiness with customers throughout the product life cycle. Continuously provide innovative services consistent with customer and product life cycles.

It helps construction and ceramics companies to increase the added value of their products. In the traditional manufacturing model, the manufacturing process is the cost center. Through high-efficiency and refined manufacturing process management, the purpose is to pursue the lowest cost and product price under the minimum requirements of quality standards (product homogeneity in traditional manufacturing Very serious) is the most important factor; and in the intelligent manufacturing model, the manufacturing environment is directly oriented to profit and value creation. In the design of the manufacturing process, customers' in-depth participation, personalized customization, production-to-order and other models are aimed at Continuously create new value (in this process, although the products are different, the overall direct cost difference is not large, but innovative services account for a large proportion of the product price).

It helps ceramics companies get rid of product homogeneity. With the continuous upgrading of consumption, consumers are gradually pursuing personalized customization, which has put forward more and higher requirements for the production of ceramics companies, prompting them to move towards higher productivity and the ability to achieve large-scale personalized needs. Transform and upgrade smart manufacturing to get rid of homogeneity, the most common phenomenon in the industry.

It helps ceramics companies cope with the environmental storm. Intelligent manufacturing will realize digital control of the manufacturing process and real-time monitoring of status information. It is a green manufacturing with small environmental impact, low carbon emissions and environmental friendliness in the entire process of product manufacturing, use and recycling, emphasizing the sustainability of society. Development has a very positive effect on the pollution control work of construction and ceramics enterprises in the current high-pressure state of environmental protection.


✎ ​Current status of intelligent manufacturing in the ceramic industry

In view of the great significance of intelligent manufacturing to the development of the ceramics industry, many ceramics companies have already taken action in this regard.

On March 21, 2017, the first production line of Weimei Group’s Chongqing Rongchang production base was put into operation

The production line is more than 1,500 meters long and is constructed to the highest standards. The entire line realizes intelligent manufacturing. All operations on the line are replaced by machines, with only 50 remaining. Workers are responsible for operating the machines, which embodies the high standards of automated and information-based production and has reached world standards in terms of equipment intelligence, energy conservation and environmental protection, and product innovation.

On December 6, 2017, New Pearl Group held a green intelligent manufacturing demonstration in Zhaoqing Gaoyao Lubu Industrial Park Factory completed

The project is designed in accordance with the current international advanced level in terms of low carbon, energy saving, clean production, environmental protection, product technology processes, and intelligent automation. Standards, advanced equipment and advanced intelligence level construction strive to achieve full intelligent control from raw materials to product entry and exit to meet flexible production under personalized customization. In January 2018, it won the "China Architectural Ceramics Green Intelligent Manufacturing Demonstration" The honorary title of "Base" has become the current benchmark for green smart factories in the ceramics industry.

On February 18, 2019, Dongpeng Complete Bathroom Jiangmen Smart Home Production Base under Dongpeng Holdings The first phase of production line was put into operation

This project is called "2016 Intelligent Manufacturing New Model Project" with a total investment of 980 million. It is listed as a project of the Ministry of Industry and Information Technology. Its biggest features are "intelligent, automated, less "Humanization", the production line includes automated conveyor lines, robots, and ground automatic navigation conveyorsAdvanced equipment and intelligent systems such as AGV and Manufacturing Execution System (MES).


Many big-name construction and ceramics companies have embarked on the road of intelligent manufacturing.

In May 2019, another powerful ceramics company officially launched intelligent manufacturing Mode

Not long ago, on May 21, Jiangjun Enterprise (Zhaoqing Jiangjun Ceramics Co., Ltd.) held a signing ceremony for a new building materials project with the Hengyang County Government.

It is reported that the project is located in Jiepai Ceramics Industrial Park, Hengyang County, Hunan Province, covering an area of ​​1,700 acres, with a total investment of 2.3 billion yuan.It will be built in accordance with the leading The intelligent manufacturing standards of the ceramic industry will build 12 high-end ceramic production lines. After completion, the annual output value will reach 2 billion yuan and the tax revenue will exceed 100 million yuan.

In this regard, Dr. Yin Hong, a celebrity in the construction and ceramics industry, commented, "Under the current overall economic situation, this news somewhat increases everyone's confidence." , "I wish Jiangjun Enterprise a complete success in its investment in Hengyang, make due contributions to the local economy, and set a successful example for our ceramic industry to expand and go global."

The relevant person in charge of Jiangjun Enterprise introduced that Jiangjun Enterprise invested heavily in launching this project, aiming to achieve the grand goal of leading the industry and long-term development by seizing the high ground of intelligent manufacturing. The implementation of this project will greatly improve the manufacturing level and operation management level of Jiangjun Enterprise, and greatly enhance its capabilities in the three aspects.

The first is to enhance the ability to reward dealers, so as to meet their needs with more market competitive products;< /p>

The second is toenhance the ability to repay consumers, so that they can fully enjoy the more personalized, more affordable products and services brought about by technological progress;

The third is to enhance the ability to repay society, thereby further increasing investment in charity and public welfare undertakings, and better solving social employment problems.

In fact, Jiangjun Enterprise has already taken solid steps in intelligent manufacturing.

In order to comprehensively improve the intelligent production model, it has increased investment in its Zhaoqing production base, established a R&D technology center, and comprehensively introduced outstanding management talents and industry-leading production technology, and through a series of improvement measures to optimize the product system, improve product quality, and create a first-class brand image recognized by the industry and consumers. These efforts have greatly recognized Jiangjun Enterprise, which won the honor of "Advanced Manufacturing Demonstration Enterprise in the Ceramic Industry" at the "2018 China Ceramic Intelligent Manufacturing Forum".

If the ceramic tile production method is compared with German Industry 4.0, China's ceramic construction industry is still in the transition stage from 2.0 to 3.0 (mechanization is at stage 1.0 and automation is at stage 2.0) stage, informatization is the 3.0 stage, and intelligence is the 4.0 stage).

Although the automation level of China's construction and ceramics industry is currently in a stage of rapid improvement, it is still far away from fully realizing the interconnection and interaction of equipment and production lines, improving productivity through data integration, and then further controlling the There is still a long way to go before the production line control model can be transformed and upgraded to become intelligent.

The transformation and upgrading of the ceramic industry through intelligent manufacturing is not something that can be accomplished overnight. It requires the joint efforts and long-term struggle of all practitioners in the industry.

Perhaps embracing smart manufacturing is really a good opportunity for ceramics companies to overtake in a corner. Are you ready to seize this opportunity?

(Part of the information in this article comes from the Internet, I would like to express my gratitude to the original author)


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